I made a BABY RANCHU goldfish aquarium (wiggle bum fish!)
👇👇MD MERCH CLICK HERE👇👇: FULL SHOP: https://md-fish-tanks.creator-spring.com My local fish shop recently got in some baby ranchu goldfish….I just HAD TO!!! 🤣 I used to have ranchu but lost them all about a year and a half ago to the…

The Angelfish Aquarium: EPIC NO co2 4ft Aquascape Tutorial (Full Guide)
👇👇MD MERCH CLICK HERE👇👇: THICC CORY: https://md-fish-tanks.creator-spring.com/listing/md-thicc-cory FULL SHOP: https://md-fish-tanks.creator-spring.com I’ve had the Angelfish Aquarium planned for a while but wanted to wait until the Ecosystem Aquarium was a year old. It’s proved it’s success, I’ve learnt tons and it’s…

Super Rare Guppy: Koi Tuxedo Nano Planted Aquarium Aquascape Tutorial
👇👇MD MERCH CLICK HERE👇👇: THICC CORY: https://md-fish-tanks.creator-spring.com/listing/md-thicc-cory FULL SHOP: https://md-fish-tanks.creator-spring.com Equipment (all links affiliate): NANO FILTER: US https://amzn.to/3JK55aa UK https://amzn.to/3sTjwBQ NANO TANK: US https://amzn.to/3uYRxmW UK https://amzn.to/3sXCAyK STRIP LIGHT IN VIDEO: US https://amzn.to/3sRFiWt UK https://amzn.to/3H48aQA SMALL HANG ON BACK FILTER: US…

The Rare Ecosystem: I CHEATED!! 3 Week Update
👇👇MD MERCH CLICK HERE👇👇: **REALLY SHRIMP**: https://md-fish-tanks.creator-spring.com/listing/really-shrimp FULL SHOP: https://md-fish-tanks.creator-spring.com I really didn’t want to do a water change but sometimes you just need to make a call and that is what I’ve done on this one. There is a…

The Rare Ecosystem Tank: 100’s of Rare Nano Fish – EPIC 4ft Aquascape Tutorial
👇👇MD MERCH CLICK HERE👇👇: THICC CORY: https://md-fish-tanks.creator-spring.com/listing/md-thicc-cory FULL SHOP: https://md-fish-tanks.creator-spring.com This has been planned for a long while. Now I know not all these fish will be rare to everyone due to where you are in the world, but for…

The Cory Tank: EPIC 3ft Aquascape Tutorial
API® products Subscribe to API on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/apifishcare USA consumers purchase API products on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/page/2193F555-CE5F-4A6B-BDC4-F315CB7F175D?channel=MDTanks UK consumers purchase API products on Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/stores/page/25663644-6C8C-432C-9E6A-0A85082C3E3C?channel=MDTANKS AQUARIAN® products Follow AQUARIAN on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNxaNWKoWr_ztSgXgPj9r8A Purchase AQUARIAN products here: https://aquarian.co.uk/where-to-buy/ 👉👉MD MERCH CLICK HERE:…

The African River: 3 Month Update (From Beginning to Now)
👉👉MD MERCH CLICK HERE: THICC CORY: https://md-fish-tanks.creator-spring.com/listing/md-thicc-cory FULL SHOP: https://md-fish-tanks.creator-spring.com The African River aquarium is 3 months old and has evolved very nicely in this time. In this video we go all the way back to take a look how…

👉👉MD MERCH CLICK HERE: https://md-fish-tanks.creator-spring.com We adding the newest fish member to the low tech, low budget, no co2 aquarium. That’s right, lots of Cory’s. I also impulse buy (shock lol) an Apistogramma pair and find male Congo Tetra in…

New Method WORKS!! NO CO2 Low Tech Planted Aquascape | MD Fish Tanks
NEW MERCH CLICK HERE: https://teespring.com/en-GB/stores/md-fish-tanks I recently set up a new aquarium (shock 😂) for my golden ram (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi var. ‘Gold’) using pond compost as the nutrient layer in the substrate. This was well over a week ago. Come…