My MOST EXPENSIVE Aquarium Light: Chihiros WRGB II Review
👇👇MD MERCH CLICK HERE👇👇: FULL SHOP: https://md-fish-tanks.creator-spring.com A lot of you have asked me to show lights that are not budget, for comparison but also just how they perform in general. This is the Chihiros WRGB II. Have to say,…

INSANE MOSS AQUARIUM STRIPPED BACK!! (better or worse for rainbowfish tank?)
👇👇MD MERCH CLICK HERE👇👇: FULL SHOP: https://md-fish-tanks.creator-spring.com The time has come to make a change in the Rainbowfish aquarium…which should actually be known more accurately as “the moss tank” 🤣. What is it going to look like with all the…

Adding MORE FISH to Angelfish Aquarium!! (huge progress)
👇👇MD MERCH CLICK HERE👇👇: THICC CORY: https://md-fish-tanks.creator-spring.com/listing/md-thicc-cory FULL SHOP: https://md-fish-tanks.creator-spring.com The Angelfish aquarium is doing so good and it’s time to up the stocking. I’ve got lots of cory cat fish in another aquarium and I think it would be…

The Ricefish Stream: Galaxy Medaka Natural Style Aquascape Tutorial
👇👇MD MERCH CLICK HERE👇👇: THICC CORY: https://md-fish-tanks.creator-spring.com/listing/md-thicc-cory FULL SHOP: https://md-fish-tanks.creator-spring.com I’m hoping to convert the whole outdoor corridor into a ricefish shrine lol. We are starting with the Galaxy Ricefish and giving them a natural style tank. Equipment (all links…

UNBIASED Fluval Plant 3.0 Review
👉👉MD MERCH CLICK HERE: 3D BETTA: https://md-fish-tanks.creator-spring.com/listing/md-3d-betta FULL SHOP: https://md-fish-tanks.creator-spring.com @Bentley Pascoe Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpDtJDQrZQk&list=PLHZbMU5nMoiqWnGkPhSBNvm8vwPVphfbB Equipment (all links affiliate): LED FLOODLIGHTS: US https://amzn.to/3m3cEz9 UK https://amzn.to/3orIdRv GOOD BUDGET LIGHT:: US https://amzn.to/2MDfjk1 UK https://amzn.to/3iYlfQQ SMALL HANG ON BACK FILTER: US https://amzn.to/2Mw63OO UK https://amzn.to/39rx3b5…

Adding NEW FISH to my RAINBOW RIVER Aquarium!!!
👉👉MD MERCH CLICK HERE: THICC CORY: https://md-fish-tanks.creator-spring.com/listing/md-thicc-cory FULL SHOP: https://md-fish-tanks.creator-spring.com The Rainbowfish River Aquarium is through its ugly phase and it’s time to add some more fish. I’m getting some detritus build up on the sand bed so let’s address…

AQUARIUMS & NEW SETUP Updates w/ baby fish + algae attack! (Fish Room Update)
MD MERCH CLICK HERE: https://md-fish-tanks.creator-spring.com We are taking a look at a good number of the tanks, giving you updates on what’s going on and also how the Electric Blue Acara fry are doing… Equipment (all links affiliate): GOOD BUDGET…

SOUTH AMERICAN TANK: Blue Acara Fry Swimming!! (Fish Room Update)
MD MERCH CLICK HERE: https://md-fish-tanks.creator-spring.com Well folks….we are away!! The Electric Blue Acara fry are swimming. Part of me was worried I’d come in this morning and they would all be eaten. But NO!!!! 😀 Mum is doing a great…